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A collection of articles on various topics that interest me. Written mostly in order to document my own solutions to problems, and published in the hope that they may help others save some time.


Local SMTP Mail Relay with IIS 6.0

Allow your IIS hosted web sites to send emails via local SMTP relays.

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SQL Server 2005 Express on Windows Vista 64-bit

At the very bottom of the SQL Server 2005 Express download page, Microsoft offers 64-bit versions of their installers. Unfortunately, this is not everything you need to run SQL Server Express on 64-bit versions of Vista.

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MySQL Configuration Wizzard on Windows Vista

The MySQL Server Instance Configuration Wizzard MySQLInstanceConfig.exe (current version that comes with the MySQL Server Community Edition (current version 5.0.51a) has a typo in the embedded manifest file that prevents it from running on Windows Vista machines.

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Using Cobian Backup on Windows with Appleā€™s Time Capsule

After consistently losing hard drives over the past few years (and plenty of data with it), having daily automatic backups has become an integral part of my home network.

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Unblocking Elevated Startup Programs in Vista

Windows Vista significantly changed the way applications are handled when the user logs on. The system now blocks elevations in the user's logon path, which prevents users from running programs on startup that require administrator privileges. Unfortunately, Vista provides no way of permanently unblocking a startup program. This article will describe a clean and quick workaround to get the same result.

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Glassy Vista Aero Forms in .NET

A search on Google will return quite a lot of more or less complicated and complete articles on how to implement Windows Vista's Aero glass look in your own .NET applications. This posting will describe how to achieve this effect with as little code as possible, and how to get a bit more out of it by processing user input accordingly.

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Getting Started with WPF in Visual C# Express Edition

Currently, none of the Visual Studio suites have out-of-the-box support for the new Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) in the .NET Framework 3.0. This article explains what you need to get started with the development of WPF based .NET applications in Visual C# Express (and other Visual Studio Editions).

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Embedding QuickTime into .NET Applications using Visual C#

A detailed description on how to get started with QuickTime in .NET applications, and how to resolve some of the difficulties that you will encounter when developing for 64-bit platforms.

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Visual C++ Express, Microsoft Windows SDK & Windows Vista 64-bit

This article describes how to use Visual Studio C++ 2005 Express Edition with the new Microsoft Windows SDK on 64-bit Windows Vista systems. It will, at least for the better part, apply to other Windows Operating systems as well.

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