

The collection of slides from my presentations at various developer conferences, as well as links to video tutorials and live streams that I have recorded in the past.

For material on my SlideShare, make sure to take a look at the Notes tab. It contains transcripts of the information I conveyed only verbally.


Vimeo Video Tutorials

Creating Plugins in UE4

This is my video tutorial series on creating plug-ins in Unreal Engine 4. In nine parts, I am walking the viewer through the prerequisites, code project and plug-in creation, Engine structure & modules, custom asset types & editors, and the Slate UI framework.



Extending Unreal Engine 4 with Plug-ins

Overview on creating code projects and plug-ins, and introduction on how to add new asset types to UE4 and customize their look & feel via asset actions and custom asset editors. The source code is available in the TextAsset repository.



Plug-ins & Third-Party SDKs in UE4

Overview of modules, plug-ins and projects in UE4, and a deep dive into integrating third-party dependencies. The project files are available on GitHub repository.

Twitch Livestreams

The Making of the McLaren Car Configurator

We explore the creation of the McLaren GDC 2016 demo and discuss how iPad app and PC communicate via Blueprints and Unreal Message Bus. My slides are on Slideshare, and the source code is on GitHub.


GDC Europe

UE4 Component Design

Introductory slides for our live coding demonstration. Zak and I are creating a hover component in Blueprint and converting it to a C++ plug-in. The corresponding project files are available in the HoverPlugin GitHub repository.

Unreal Engine 4 for Programmers

High-level overview of Unreal Engine 4, its game framework, the Slate user interface library, Unreal Motion Graphics, and Editor and Engine extensibility. Includes a number of bonus slides that weren’t presented.


Twitch Livestreams

UE4 Programming Discussion

We show off the new FlipBook tool, discuss aspects of UE4 programming, and answer a number of related questions from the community.

Unreal Engine East Coast DevCon

Engine Overview

High-level overview of the Unreal Engine 4 game engine architecture. This presentation covers the configuration file hierarchy and format, modules and project files.

Programming in UE4

Overview of basic concepts and common blockers when programming for UE4. This presentation covers acronyms, basic programming concepts and best practices.

Game Programming in UE4

High-level overview of the game framework in Unreal Engine 4. This presentation introduces fundamental concepts, such as Actors and GameModes.

The Slate UI Framework

Overview of the Slate user interface framework, low-level UI capabilities and Unreal Motion Graphics (UMG)

Extensibility in UE4

Overview of extensibility mechanisms and plug-ins in Unreal Engine 4. This presentation introduces Editor extensibility points, Blutilities, and plug-ins.

Concurrency & Parallelism in UE4

Introduction to parallel programming support in UE4. This presentation covers thread synchronization primitives, thread-safe containers, and parallelization features.

Unreal Engine West Coast DevCon

These are my slides from the Unreal Engine West Coast DevCon 2014 in San Francisco and Seattle.

Engine Overview

High-level overview of the Unreal Engine 4 game engine architecture. This presentation covers the configuration file hierarchy and format, modules and project files.

Programming in UE4

Overview of basic concepts and common blockers when programming for Unreal Engine 4. This presentation covers common acronyms, basic programming concepts and best practices.

Game Programming in UE4

High-level overview of the game framework in Unreal Engine 4. This presentation introduces fundamental concepts, such as Actors and GameModes.

The Slate UI Framework: Introduction

Overview of the Slate user interface framework and low-level UI capabilities in Unreal Engine 4. The presentation covers features, concepts and tools, as well as some C++ aspects.

The Slate UI Framework: Game UI & Unreal Motion Graphics

Overview of in-game UI features and the Unreal Motion Graphics (UMG) framework in Unreal Engine 4. This presentation introduces various ways of generating user interfaces for games.

Extensibility in UE4

Overview of extensibility mechanisms and plug-ins in Unreal Engine 4. This presentation introduces Editor extensibility points, Blutilities, and plug-ins.

Concurrency & Parallelism in UE4

Introduction to parallel programming support in Unreal Engine 4. This presentation introduces basis thread synchronization primitives, thread-safe containers, and parallelization features.

Build Automation

This presentation gives an overview of the build tools, build automation, source code management and automated testing infrastructure used at Epic Games.